Giving Thanks: 6.28.12

This week, my heart is thankful for:

Sorbet from my new favorite local frozen yogurt place
Seeing the lovely, delightful, and adorably inspiring flick Moonrise Kingdom
Morning quiet/prayer time out on my patio
Evening walks spent in prayer or listening to worship music
Plans for a quiet, creative weekend

What about you? I’d love to hear about your favorite blessings this week!

It’s Summertime!

Happy First Day of Summer, my friends!

Here’s to lots of sunshine and pool time and fresh fruits and veggies. Here’s to blue skies and bare feet and evenings spent on the porch. Here’s to ice cream (soy, of course!) and dining outdoors. Here’s to picnics and prayer walks, stargazing, and those sapphire-sky-moon-filled nights. Here’s to new adventures and new beginnings and daring to go after our dreams.

Blessings to you and yours this summer!


Giving Thanks 6.19.12

This week, my heart is thankful for:

Summer salads piled high with fresh fruits and veggies (last night’s included fresh banana slices, raspberries, blueberries, and raspberry vinaigrette)
Timely words and encouragement from sweet friends
The promise that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength
Refreshing rainstorms
Morning sunshine
Thrift store art journaling finds

What about you? What’s making you smile this week? :)

Like Rain

It’s been raining here today, but I can’t complain. Every so often, I appreciate a good rainstorm.

It refreshes in a way a sunny day just can’t, don’t you think?

Happy Sunday — and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there. :)

Get Inspired: Weapons of Mass Creation

It’s a personal goal of mine to make more of an effort to do things that inspire me — getting out and experiencing the city, reading good books, going to live music shows, taking walks, etc.

Today, I attended Weapons of Mass Creation with a friend, and it got me thinking about my brand and some of the creative dreams I’ve had on my heart for a while. I have a feeling I’ll be doing some brainstorming these next few weeks, so I’m able to better define some of these dreams and what I might shape them into.

I’ll be honest, much of our day consisted of food (a quinoa wrap with avocado aioli, red velvet cupcake, clementine juice, and a peach/banana/apple smoothie, for example,), but we also took in a few speakers, listened to some tunes, and appreciated artwork.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes/thoughts of the day:

Make time to rest: “You can’t innovate if you’re exhausted.”

It’s all about how you hustle—right people/right places.

“Your work comes from a deeper place; you have to define it for yourself and to the world.”

“Artists: blogs need to be more than a collection of art, they need to be a collaboration of creation curation.”

“Create because it’s who we are. Create to be who we want to be. Participate in something that moves you. Be relentless and create more.”

“Create an experience. That’s what differentiates your brand.”

“People appreciate what nobody else has.”

All in all, it was a good (creative—and tasty!) day spent with a good friend. I’m so thankful for the inspiring friendships I’ve been blessed with.

Summertime Inspiration: A Visual List

I’ve been collecting ideas and inspiration for the summertime, and I thought it would be fun to share some of them here. It’s been quite a while since I wrote an inspirations post!

{ photo via Christine Mason Miller }

This summer, I want to embrace the mystery of the unknown, trusting God and growing in my faith.

{ photo via Elsie and Emma at A Beautiful Mess }

This summer, I want to make sweet treats like these ice cream sauces (red wine + chocolate and sea salt + honey).

{ photo via Elsie and Emma at A Beautiful Mess }

{ photo via Kara at I Just Might Explode }

This summer, I want to take Kara’s Summer of Love art journaling course, so I can capture every adventure, every new risk taken, all the ways I change and grow.

{ photo via Hannah at Cave in the Clouds }

{ gorgeous painting by Christopher Stott }

This summer, I want to go on antiquing adventures, write stories, snap photos, make art, pay attention, live in the moment, stay inspired, live and pray boldly—and give thanks always.

Oh, and do everything on my Summertime List, of course. ;)

What about you? What do you feel inspired to do this summer?

A Summertime List (Or 10 Goals for a New Season)

1. Take frequent trips to local farmers’ markets and eat lots of fresh, in-season food all summer long.

2. Complete my study on women’s wisdom and Proverbs.

3. Start a regular walking/jogging routine (using the 5K app I just downloaded).

4. Buy a vintage-inspired bathing suit.

5. Get a bistro table for my porch, and spend my morning quiet time with God outdoors.

6. Look into my dream of renting an art studio space to share with some of my creative friends.

7. Make a summer reading list (another list! hehe), and plan plenty of outdoor reading dates (at parks, cafes, etc!).

8. Plan a picnic.

9. Trust more, hope more — and worry less.

10. Do something creative every day, in an effort to share more of who He is and bring Him glory in all I do.