It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Even though our temps are in the fifties and sixties this week (yay! for a little unexpected warmth!), it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

And I can’t help but grin when I pass cars journeying home with Christmas trees strapped to their roofs, or when I spot a house all lit up with twinkly lights.

I have mint chocolate chips waiting in my pantry for a special hot cocoa recipe, tinsel on my shopping list, and a growing Spotify playlist.

Hello, December.

And while I have plenty of Advent posts I’d like to write, things on my heart, reflections I’d love to share with you all, tonight’s post is on the lighter — and sparklier — side.  Because while I am spending my days preparing my heart for Christmas day, I’m also delighting in the present moments of the season — being right in the thick of it, as Jessi would say.

Because these days are such a gift, aren’t they?


And speaking of December days, have you seen this festively fun 31 Things to Do Before December 31 list from Kate Spade? I just love these suggestions for making the most of your December moments.


P.S. Just for fun,  I created this little desktop wallpaper to celebrate the season’s sparkle.

Happy December, friends!

::click the image to download: then,  just right click and save::


Live Colorfully.

Just a little reminder to live colorfully. :)

This may be Kate Spade’s branding motto, but it really sums up the way I want to live.

I know things have been a bit quiet around here, but I’m working on some blog design updates, as well as writing and designing my eBook, so my posting has been much less frequent. I’ll try to stop back in again soon to share some recent inspirations, as well as a few thoughts on the She Reads Truth Proverbs plan I’m working through.

Well, I’m off to fill up some journal pages with eBook ideas!

Happy Sunday! Hope you get out there and enjoy some sunshine!